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Older Convention Puzzles

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Historical Nomtags

Official Program

The 180th Annual Convention


Hidden Contest by ?????
The hidden contest may be presented anytime.
Find it. Solve it. Do what it says. The solution will not be explained until Sunday morning, so multiple people can discover it.

Wed July 10th

5:30 PM

Picnic [foyer of the hotel’s Pearl Street Ballroom]

Thu July 11th

8:00 PM

Welcome! An evening of puzzles and games:

The Puzzle Bank by Willz
Answer an oral word teaser. Doing so earns your team a chance to solve a final puzzle to score.

Two Out of Three by Qaqaq
In this trivia game, don’t accidentally choose too many correct answers.

The Silence of the Hams! by Hathor and Kryptogram
A light-hearted game that brings new meaning to the term “acting up.”

Flatiron Iron Flat Competition, Part 1 organized by Saxifrage
You have 24 hours to compose a flat incorporating a “secret ingredient.”

Con Activity by Elfman
Play Schools by Trick
Color Ado 2: A Song of Ice and Fire by Wombat
Over-the-weekend cryptics for pairs solving.
Solutions are due by 8:15PM Saturday.

Fri July 12th

4:00 PM

Flat-Writing Mentoring [workshop]
Need help writing a flat for the Flatiron Iron Flat competition? Ask a pro.

8:00 PM

Another evening of puzzles and games:

Musical Clues by Music Man
Listen to songs and figure out what the titles have in common

Wordplay Tactics by T McAy
Choose answers with specific wordplay qualities and use them to win at tic-tac-toe.

Crisis in Publishing! by Fraz and Jo the Loiterer
The Unlettered Press has just entered a “publish or perish” situation. Get writing!

Sat July 13th

10:00 AM

Business meeting

2:15 PM

An afternoon of pencil-and-paper competitions:

Trigram Two-Step by Bluff
First find the missing letter triplets. Then …

Split Personalities by Manx
In which, e.g., ROUSER LONG = ROD SERLING.

Flatiron Iron Flat Competition, Part 2 organized by Saxifrage
A sumptuous solving competition featuring the flats created earlier in the weekend.

6:45 PM

The Golden Sphinx Awards presented by Teki [during dessert]
Recognizing outstanding achievement in contributions to The Enigma in 2018.

8:15 PM

Tri, Tri Again by Rubrick, Trazom and G Natural
If at first you don't succeed in solving this puzzle extravaganza, we don't really have any better advice for you.

Sun July 14th

10:30 AM

Awards for all the weekend contests

Meal Schedule

Friday Dinner

6:00-7:30 PM

Saturday Lunch

Noon-1:45 PM

Saturday Dinner

6:00-7:30 PM

For those staying at the Embassy Suites, there is a complimentary breakfast from 6:00-9:00AM weekdays, 7:00-10:30AM weekend.

For information on how you can contribute to the official con program, please visit this page.

In addition to the official program, there are always a multitude of Unofficial games and paper-and-pencil puzzles, walk-around puzzles, and the opportunity to solve and play games with many krewemembers in practically every public place in the hotel.