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RockOn! Flat Competition

The Flat Competition, featuring the NPL's signature puzzles created by members, is one of the highlights of the convention.

As Saxifrage announced, we are doing something a little different with the flat competition for this year's Con, so we won't be announcing a theme or having people submit flats in advance. Instead, we're doing the Iron Flat Competition, where a "secret ingredient" will be announced on Thursday and you'll have 24 hours or so to write your flats. (We'll announce the secret ingredient online as well, and those of you who aren't at Con will be able to email your entries.)

As part of this, we're going to have a flat-writing clinic on Friday afternoon at 4. Saxifrage is looking for a few people who would be interested in being coaches and/or writing partners for folks wanting to try their hand at it, and who'd be willing to be available then.

If you're interested, please let her know!