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Orecon 2012

organized by Maso

Greetings Conventioneers,

The 2012 Orecon is slated for Thursday, July 12 through Sunday, July 15.

Information on Tuesday and Wednesday events is here.


The con menu has been established and the con fee set at $250. Click here for complete registration information.


We’ll be staying at the Doubletree Hotel on the East side of the river in downtown Portland, Oregon. Click here for complete hotel information.

Weather in Portland

Typically in July, the high is around 80 and the low around 60, but, of course, tremendous variety is possible. There is usually relatively little rain this month. If you check the weather forecast shortly before you come, you should have a good idea if the year is behaving typically.

Bonus Event

For extra early arrivers, Maso will be hosting a small gathering at his home on Tuesday (in the interest of fairness, this event will not be funded by con fees), but this would require transportation. If you are interested, please let Maso know.

The hotel is very close to shopping, dining and other attractions downtown. Cars won’t be needed unless you wish to explore further afield (the coast, the gorge, the wine country, Mt. St. Helens, Mt. Hood, etc. etc. etc.) More information, including information on getting to the hotel, as well as restaurant and activity guides, will be posted shortly.

If you have questions, send them to