Pre-con events
Unofficial Program
Attendance Notes
Con Puzzles

2026 BloomingCon
2025 SPAMcon
2024 BigDCon
2023 Motréal
2022 Contry
2021 WashingCon
2020 Contario
2019 RockOn!
2018 Milwaukee
2017 BeaCon
2016 SiLiCon
2015 Recouvery
2014 MaineCon
2013 ConTex
2012 Orecon
2011 Convidence
2010 ConPac

Older Convention Puzzles

Archive of older cons
Historical Nomtags

Tuesday and Wednesday Events

I was told that in days of yore, there was a sort of tradition of a pre-Con event at the home of the host. This morphed into the Wednesday evening picnic which is now the unofficial kickoff of the Con. This year, the Wednesday picnic (a light supper with a Portland treat for dessert) will be held at 6:00 in Holladay park which is immediately adjacent to the hotel.

But for birds who are so early the worms aren't even out yet, there will be a dinner gathering at my home in Southwest Portland on Tuesday again at 6 pm (pizza and salad). My house is accommodating, but is about 10 miles from the hotel and not easily reached by public transit. If you would like to come but need help with a ride, let me know and I'll see what I can do. At present, I'm expecting a dozen or so, but there's room for more. Just let me know if you'll be able to join us. The address is 3234 SW Parsons Ct, Portland 97219.

See you all soon. Maso