Pre-con events
Unofficial Program
Attendance Notes
Con Puzzles

2026 BloomingCon
2025 SPAMcon
2024 BigDCon
2023 Motréal
2022 Contry
2021 WashingCon
2020 Contario
2019 RockOn!
2018 Milwaukee
2017 BeaCon
2016 SiLiCon
2015 Recouvery
2014 MaineCon
2013 ConTex
2012 Orecon
2011 Convidence
2010 ConPac

Older Convention Puzzles

Archive of older cons
Historical Nomtags

Hotel Information

We’ll be staying at the Doubletree Hotel on the East side of the river in downtown Portland, Oregon. It is easily accessible by light rail from the airport. Click here for directions by car or light rail.

The room rate is $119 per night whether for singles or doubles (or more). You can make reservations by calling 800-996-0510. Identify yourself as part of the NPL when you make your reservation to get this room rate. There will be the usual Wednesday evening event for early arrivers at a site just a block from the hotel so you won’t need to worry about transportation.

The on-line booking has at times had problems, primarily for those booking extended stays. The problem should be cleared up, but if you still have difficulty, a phone call to the hotel directly at 503-281-6111 should take care of any problems you have. The hotel staff has proven to be quite gracious and accommodating. If problems linger, please send Maso a message and he will help.

If you can't get a room at the Doubletree: Each of the following four hotels has rooms available for the week of the Convention. All are within a 5-minute walk of the Doubletree.