The BeaCon Guide to Boston

Mobile Con Site
including: Schedule, Meal Times, and The BeaCon Guide to Boston

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2017 Convention: BeaCon in Boston, Massachusetts

organized by B-Side and Hathor

Date: July 6-9, 2017
Pre-con picnic: July 5th, 5PM to 8PM on the hotel's roof deck, level PL on the elevator panel.
(rain location: lower level of Emerald Bar)

Location: The Revere Hotel, Boston Common (downtown)

The group reservation rate is $239/night
Additional charge of $20 each for a 3rd and 4th guest in a room
Rate available from the night of Monday, July 3rd through the night of Sunday, July 9th.

Revere Hotel booking page
Hathor and B-Side say: book early, book often!

Convention Drop-in Policy
Locals can "drop-in" for a single session Thursday or Friday night without paying and we encourage local puzzlers considering membership to do so. Thursday and Friday night sessions start at 8PM. If you like what you see at the session, it may be possible for a local person to join the League and pay the con fee during con, in order to attend the rest of con. If you are interested, contact the con host, B-Side and Hathor.

Code of Conduct
The organizers of this convention are committed to preserving a welcoming and respectful environment for anyone who wishes to participate. We do not tolerate harassment of convention-goers or League members in any form. If you feel that any individual is speaking or acting inappropriately, either toward you or to someone else, please contact a member of the Code of Conduct Committee to mediate or intercede, as necessary. Read the full Code of Conduct here. Read how to report an incident here.

The complete BeaCon Excellence Policy is available at the front desk, on the Welcome to BeaCon! handout.