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by Geneal and Junebug

The epitaph of H.P. Lovecraft in beautiful Swan Point Cemetery on Providence's East Side says, "I am Providence." Well, we are Convidence -- convident, that is -- that you will enjoy the 2011 National Puzzlers' League convention, to be held July 7-10 at the Providence Downtown Marriott Hotel at One Orms Street in the shadow of the Rhode Island State House. The Con starts Wednesday late afternoon with the traditional Welcome Party, which this year will happen at the hotel, so Wednesday arrivals can join us as soon as they've gotten settled.

We are planning a number of activities outside the official Con program. There will be puzzle hunts centered on the Brown campus, the RISD Museum, and the College Hill-Fox Point historic house area; an excursion to the Higgins Armory Museum in Worcester, about an hour away; and geocaching for the Providence nano series in downtown Providence. We will arrange for evening babysitting at the hotel Thursday through Saturday for children aged 2 and above.

Please address any questions to We look forward to seeing you in July!