Milwaukee Con Info

Mobile Con Site
including: Schedule, Meal Times, and Milwaukee Con Info

Register for Con
Deadline: June 29th

Official Program & Schedule

Flat Competition

Unofficial Program

Attendance Notes

Con Puzzles

2026 BloomingCon
2025 SPAMcon
2024 BigDCon
2023 Motréal
2022 Contry
2021 WashingCon
2020 Contario
2019 RockOn!
2018 Milwaukee
2017 BeaCon
2016 SiLiCon
2015 Recouvery
2014 MaineCon
2013 ConTex
2012 Orecon
2011 Convidence
2010 ConPac

Older Convention Puzzles

Archive of older cons
Historical Nomtags

Milwaukee Photos

Official This Con’s In Wisconsin Photo

The contents of this page and the linked photos are for the private use of NPL members only and may not be used for any commercial purpose. Unauthorized use is prohibited.

Sign in for additional information or to download pictures.