BigDCon artwork

2024 Convention: Dallas, Texas
The 184th National Puzzlers’ League Convention

organized by Neendy

Date: July 11-14, 2024
(pre-con picnic: July 10)
Location: The Adolphus Hotel, located in downtown Dallas at 1321 Commerce St.

Con Registration

Con fees are a low $299 per person. The fee includes six meals, including the Wednesday (indoor) pre-con picnic, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and Sunday breakfast. The $299 rate is only good until June 20; after that, the con fee will be $349. Registration for BigDCon is done online. Click here to register for BigDCon.

Hotel Reservations

Before you make your hotel reservation, you must read this paragraph. Our contract with the hotel gives us a room rate of $199/night for a room with one king bed, and $209/night for a room with two king beds, with no resort/destination fees to be charged in addition to the room rate. However, the hotel’s website cannot take off the usual destination fee of $25 per night. So when you make your hotel reservation, you might see room rates of $224/night and $234/night after the destination fee is added. This is (unfortunately) completely normal and is not a cause for alarm. When you check in, the hotel will remove the destination fees to give you the rate that is in our contract. You have now been cleared to make your hotel reservations.

To make your hotel reservations, visit The con hotel is The Adolphus at 1321 Commerce St. in downtown Dallas. The Adolphus is part of the Marriott chain, so have your Marriott login ready. Room rates are good from July 7 to July 16, so you can come early and stay late. All the beds are king beds, and all rooms have a mini-fridge and free internet. Parking at the hotel is valet parking at $32/night with unlimited ins and outs. There are other parking lots nearby and information on those will be added to the website around June. Our room rate is only guaranteed for reservations that are made before June 20.

Registering under the NPL rate means that your personal room key will unlock the door to Hospitality, which will be in room 801 on the eighth floor. If you want to be close to Hospitality, request to be on the eighth floor, and the hotel will honor as many of those requests as possible. If you don’t want to be close to Hospitality, request to be anywhere but the eighth floor, and the hotel will accommodate you. You can make those requests when you make your reservation in the dropdown box marked “Room Requests and Accessibility”, where there is a box for additional comments.

Keeping Informed

Check out our Facebook page for future non-essential posts about fun things to do in Dallas; we'll be posting email alerts to the npl-announce mailing list (click here for information on joining if you're not already on npl-announce). You can email questions to See you at BigDCon!

Both travel information and some information about the Hotel and surrounding area are available.


If you need information not covered by the FAQ, please contact
For web site issues, please contact webmaster.

Convention Drop-in Policy
Locals can "drop-in" for a single session Thursday or Friday night without paying and we encourage local puzzlers considering membership to do so. Thursday and Friday night sessions start at 8PM. If you like what you see at the session, it may be possible for a local person to join the League and pay the con fee during con, in order to attend the rest of con. If you are interested, contact the Con host, Neendy.

Code of Conduct
The organizers of this convention are committed to preserving a welcoming and respectful environment for anyone who wishes to participate. We do not tolerate harassment of convention-goers or League members in any form. If you feel that any individual is speaking or acting inappropriately, either toward you or to someone else, please contact a member of the Code of Conduct Committee to mediate or intercede, as necessary. Read the full Code of Conduct here. Read how to report an incident here.